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Distress stemming from situational problems, immediate crises, and longstanding mental health concerns can make everyone feel scared and isolated. We even feel helpless when we see friends or loved ones experience mental health problems too. In order to help empower you and those around you, we here at Clark University Center for Counseling and Personal Growth have put together a Mental Health Toolbox to meet those overwhelming needs. We hope that this library of resources can be used in conjunction with your therapy or simply to gain some relief, direction, and self-help.

We also seek to benefit from the wisdom of Clark students. If you have found a website, app, video, or national organization that you found particularly helpful, we would like to know. Please send any ideas to the CPG Director.

Feeling suicidal: Get help now
How do I help a friend
Abuse: physical and sexual

Physical Abuse

Sexual Assault

Childhood Trauma

Anxiety, panic attacks, and obsessive compulsive disorder
Body image and disordered eating
Break ups
Conflict resolution
Depression and bipolar disorder
Happiness and resilience
Healthy relationships
Mindfulness (meditation)
Social anxiety
Stress reduction and self-care
Test anxiety and fear of public speaking


Time management, procrastination, and motivation
Trauma: normal reactions to traumatic events
Contact Information

Center for Counseling & Personal Growth

Office Location

114 Woodland Street
Worcester, MA 01610

9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed from 12 – 1 p.m.)
